
Tutorial on R package NetworkComparisonTest (NCT). June, 2017. (NOTE: This is based on an older version of the package. See this blog post for more information on the latest version!)

Tutorial on R package IsingFit. June, 2017.

Symptom patterns and the course of OCD. Presentation for the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Boston, May 2017.

From empirical data to graphical models Lecture of workshop for the 2nd Annual Psychological Networks Winter School, Amsterdam, February 2017.

Network estimation, stability, and comparison. Lecture of workshop for the 1st Annual Psychological Networks Summer School, Amsterdam, July 2016.

Symptom patterns and the course of depression. Presentation for the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, May 2016.

Comparing network structures: Can you spot the difference? Presentation for the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, May 2016.

Constructing networks from binary data. Presentation for the 80th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), Beijing, July 2015.

Coming to grips with the complexity of psychopathology. Presentation for the 1st International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS, under auspices of Association for Psychological Science APS), Amsterdam, March 2015.

Time for a new paradigm: a network perspective on psychopathology. Presentation for psychiatrists in training, GGZ Centraal, Ermelo 2014.

Fitting like a glove: New method for constructing networks from psychometric data. Presentation for Psychoco, Psychometric Computing, Tuebingen, February 2014.